St. John the Baptist

St John the Baptist‘s Church is a joyful and welcoming Christian community at the heart of our beautiful village. We aim to share the love of God with everyone.

We aim to help people of all ages worship with us, through Praise and Play and Messy Church (see below for details).

Everyone is welcome each Sunday at our 11.00am Holy Communion service each Sunday, as we gather for worship and prayer, with life-related teaching about our shared Christian faith. Refreshments are served afterwards.

We are privileged to host the Whittington International Music Festival in May each year.

We are proud of our links with the Church of England School in the village and support it in every way we can as it delivers quality education to children ages 4 to 11 within a caring Christian environment underpinned by its core values of love, honesty, courage, quality and community.

St. John the Baptist

Messy Church
Come along and help us explore what it means to belong at 4pm on the second Sunday of each month, with crafts, songs, food & more! It is restarting in September.

Praise and Play
Praise and Play is a special short worship service for pre-school children of all ages, accompanied by their parents or carers.

It takes place at 2pm every Tuesday during term time, and consists of songs, stories and prayers, followed by play and refreshments. We finish in time for parents to collect older children from school.

Come and Meet Eachother (CAMEO)
CAMEO is a weekly coffee morning held every Monday 10.30am to 12.00 in the church, offering refreshments and an opportunity to chat and make new friends.

Annual Events
We also have a number of fundraising events each year, including concerts, Lent lunches and a summer barbecue. These are a good opportunity to meet new people and we are always grateful for offers of help.

Please check the parish magazine, the "Ripple" for more detailed information on all of these activities.

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