Who's who in Whittington Parish

The Rectory.
Castle Street
Oswestry SY11 4DF
Tel: 01691 674948

Church Wardens:
Mike Phipps
Wesley Cottage, Babbinswood, Whittington SY11 4PQ
Tel: 01691 670940

Gillian Roberts
28 Boot Street, Whittington
Tel: 01691 662236
Email: gillian28.4dg@gmail.com

K. Griffiths
Tel: 01691 662116
Email: keith.j.griffiths@btinternet.com

PCC Secretary:
David Thomasson
Tel: 01691 239136
Email: davidthomasson@tiscali.co.uk

Graham Roberts

Gift Aid Secretary:
Susan Dyke
Email: dykechurch@gmail.com

Parish Safeguarding Officer:
Jo Thomasson
Tel: 01691 239136
View Safeguarding Policy

Praise & Play and Messy Church:
The Revd. Suzan Williams
Tel: 01691 238658
E-mail: revwilliams1991@icloud.com

Prayer Request and Pastoral Work
Julie Drowley
Tel: 01691 671994
Email: a.drowley@btinternet.com

Editor: Miss A Ward
4 Rosehill Avenue, Whittington
Tel:01691 672838

Christine Hughes
Tel:01691 662838

Whittington Church of England Primary School
Headteacher: Carl Rogers
Tel: 01691 662269
Email: admin@whittington.shropshire.sch.uk
Website: http://whittingtonschool.co.uk/

The Mobile Library will stop in the cul-de-sac by the Three Trees/White Lion on alternate Tuesdays between 2:55pm – 3:55pm.

Book your tickets